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Scheme of Delegation

Updated: 03/01/2024 301 KB

Governor Induction Pack

Updated: 14/09/2018 82 KB
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Trust Guidance

Updated: 09/02/2016 127 KB

Clerking Documents

Updated: 03/05/2017 297 KB
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What is the role of a Local Governing Body?

The role of each LGB is principally to ensure a strong focus on three core strategic functions, which can be summarised as follows:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


How does the Local Governing Body carry out its role?

The day-to-day running of each school within The Trust is the responsibility of the Headteacher, with the support and challenge of the LGB.   The LGB and The Senior Leadership Team work together, with the support of The Trust, ensuring that a range of policies and procedures are followed.  All Governors attend Full Governing Body meetings, with additional committees for Finance and Personnel looking at specific areas such as the School Budget and HR issues.


What experience is required?

Commitment, enthusiasm, a desire to learn and an interest in education are the key attributes for any Governor.  Good LGBs are balanced, with people with diverse experiences covering a range of abilities. If a specific area needs covering we will seek to use knowledge and experience where available, but we will always welcome applications from people who have enthusiasm.


Governors will be expected to attend information and training sessions provided by The Trust.  These currently take place twice per year.  In addition to this, training courses are offered in a variety of ways (from individually tailored courses to training on a specific area such as School Data) so that Governors can increase their knowledge. 


What is the time commitment?

Governors attend four meetings per year.   Each meeting should last for no more than two hours.  Committee members will be invited to attend additional meetings as required.  All meetings are set at the beginning of each academic year so a full schedule is available in September.  Governors with a specific interest are invited to visit schools and meet with staff – eg the Literacy Link governor would be very welcome to visit English lessons and meet with English staff.  In addition, most Governors take a general interest in their school and attend events and activities were possible.


How long does a Governor serve for?

All Trust Governors are appointed for a four year term of office, but may resign at any time.  We value Governors who serve a full term as it provides consistency and allows strong working relationships and experience to be gained.   We do however acknowledge that some Governors’ circumstances change during their term of office and that they find it necessary to resign early.


Is the role of Governor a voluntary role?

Yes, it is.   If you are employed, your employer is able to provide ‘reasonable’ time away from work for you to fulfil your duties.  More information on this can be found at .    Whilst we are unable to pay you a salary, we do not expect Governors to be out of pocket and it may be possible for to claim for certain expenses.


What do Governors gain?

Each Governor would answer this question in a different way. Governors work in a team and develop positive relationships with people within their local community.  They also gain great satisfaction from knowing that they are supporting children and young people in their local area.  Apart from this, Governance also gives the opportunity to develop new skills and understanding.


Who can become a Governor?

All adults, are eligible to apply.  Governors must agree to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to ensure legality, and sign a Commitment of Undertaking Form from 91TV.


How to apply?

If you would like to apply to become a Governor at one of our schools please contact 91TV by emailing  If you are interested, but would like more details before committing, we would be very happy to arrange a visit to your local school, including an informal chat with a Governor colleague.



Governor Newsletter

Updated: 15/01/2019 1.48 MB
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Updated: 16/04/2018 2.03 MB

Governor Presentation Summer 2018

Updated: 14/05/2018 20.59 MB
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Governors Survey

Updated: 03/05/2017 957 KB
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Governors Hub Session May 2017

Updated: 10/05/2017 4.72 MB
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Governance Hub Session April

Updated: 18/04/2016 231 KB
Updated: 18/04/2016 1.22 MB